Solidarity Statement with CUPE 3912

While the TAs, PTAs, Markers and Demonstrators play a vital role on our campus, the Dalhousie administration has failed to compensate them properly.The TAs, PTAs and other academic workers have the lowest wages in Canada while Dalhousie continues to increase tuition across the board for domestic and international students

Follow CUPE3912 on instagram for daily updates and check out and sign their petition.

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Endometriosis is a fairly common disorder (7-15% of folks with a uterus between the ages of 18 and 49 are diagnosed with it in Canada) (1). Also, there is a 5.4-year delay in receiving a diagnosis (sometimes longer), which as you could imagine, makes untreated symptoms worse (1)!

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Intrauterine Devices (IUDs) vs. Implants (Nexplanon)

I’m sure many of us have heard of IUDs (intrauterine devices) as a form of birth control, but what about the implant (also called Nexplanon)? Other countries have been providing folks with the implant for years, but it’s only been approved for use in Canada as of 2020 (1)! New and different birth control methods are always exciting, but it also means that there is more to consider when weighing our options. So, how are IUDs and implants similar? How are they different? Let’s talk about it!

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Mixing Alcohol and Medications

Let’s be honest… when we’re prescribed a medication and given a stack of paper with never-ending cautionary instructions, do we read all of it (if any)? Probably not. A lot of people who take medication also drink alcohol whether it be consumed in small or large amounts or casually or regularly. Many medications interact with alcohol when mixed, and this isn’t exclusive to prescription drugs, it also includes over the counter medications that we don’t think twice about taking. The interaction is a two-way street, meaning that a medication can change the side effects of alcohol, or alcohol can change the way a medication works in the body!

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