Job Openings

Outreach and Administration Coordinator

Position Type

We are hiring 2 full-time coordinators at $23.50/Hour 

Organizational Information and Mission

The South House Sexual and Gender Resource Centre is a student-funded, volunteer-driven resource centre that addresses and advocates for anti-oppression issues within a feminist framework. The South House consciously recognizes that struggles against all forms of oppression are feminist issues and therefore supports women and all people dealing with oppression on the basis of sexuality and gender. We are first and foremost a resource centre which provides resources and support for students, faculty, staff, and community members on such issues.

This role will work within an anti-racist and anti-oppressive framework to meet the needs of students and community members navigating oppressive systems. Thus, the South House welcomes and prioritizes the contributions of people from marginalized communities in our hiring practices and encourages applicants to describe the ways in which their lived experiences will inform their work with South House in their cover letter.

South House recognizes that although we are an organization dedicated to pursuing social and specifically gender justice, many of the economic, political, social, cultural and institutional dynamics of domination, power and privilege existing within society at large also exist within our organization on both individual and systemic levels. Therefore, we are committed to offering community resources within an anti-racist anti-oppression framework. For more details on our Constitution and Policies please visit: Constitution and Policies — South House

Position Overview

South House is seeking a creative and compassionate Outreach and Administration Coordinator to assist in our work  relating to sexual and gender justice with an anti-oppressive framework. The Outreach and Administration Coordinator will work primarily with the South House board and South House staff members and volunteers, to coordinate regular Centre operations, outreach events, community partnerships, workshops, communication and administrative duties. 

This position is full-time at $23.50/hour with flexible working hours ($48,800 annual salary). It is paid out on a monthly basis and the contract is renewed yearly. Benefits include two weeks paid vacation, 15 paid sick days, and other benefits detailed here:

Ideal Candidate

The ideal candidate for the Outreach and Administration Coordinator, will have a working knowledge of anti-racist, anti-oppressive, and gender equity frameworks that inform their work with this understanding of systems oppression. They will be able to share this knowledge and Centre resources with Centre participants while supporting South House’s work in education, outreach, and the development of new projects and services.

Key Responsibilities

  • Develop and maintain relationships with community organizations, university partners, student groups, and administration to offer collaborative community events and resource development 

  • Create, facilitate and manage on-campus events and education relating to gender justice, disability justice, reproductive justice, anti-racism, 2SLGBTQIA+ issues, etc.

  • Investigate grants and other funding opportunities for the organization, and carry out the development of new funding applications

  • Advocate for student equity on campus through a trauma-informed and anti-oppressive framework, for example: the reforming of university policy, organizing of direct action, issuing of press releases, connecting students with community resources

  • Maintain South House’s website, social media platforms, and newsletters with information about upcoming programs, available resources, and opportunities

  • Work alongside bookkeeper on the documentation of finances for quarterly audits

  • Hold office hours and maintain the center as an open and welcoming, resource-stocked space. 

  • Offering non-judgemental peer support to students and community members


  • A working understanding of anti-racism, and how homophobia, transphobia, heterosexism, racism, sexism, ageism, ableism, classism and other forms of oppression intersect to inform and affect the experiences of individuals

  • An in-depth knowledge of gender identity and sexual orientation, and the way these intersect with other aspects of one’s identity

  • An understanding of local and provincial gender justice resources available to student populations

  • Experience and comfort in advocacy and system-navigation, specific to gender equity 

  • Experience and comfort in managing social media accounts

  • Experience working collaboratively, networking, and building relationships with campus and community groups

  • Experience developing resources that are accessible to a wide-range of audiences

  • Strong value and priority of participant-centered accessibility and learning

  • Strong organizational skills 

  • Strong communication and conflict management skills 

  • Facilitation skills/ experience facilitating groups or willingness to learn 

  • Experience offering peer support, or a willingness to learn 

  • Experience organizing/running community events, or a willingness to learn


  • Experience with, or willingness to learn about grant writing

  • Proficiency in graphic design and various design programs, with an understanding of accessibility tools

  • Knowledge of an additional language other than english

  • Experience working with Board-run organizations, particularly ones who work within in anti-oppressive framework 

How to Apply

The deadline to apply is November 27, 2023.

Please submit a resume  with a cover letter (or another application format ‑ see below*) by email to with “Outreach and Administration Coordinator” and your full name in the subject line. Please include, in your file or email, an email address, phone number, and any other relevant contact information.

*Please submit a cover letter and resume to OR apply via indeed: Outreach and Administration Coordinator Indeed

*Alternatively, please provide an overview of your qualifications, qualities, and experience in a written document, graphic, audio recording, or video (max file size: 100 MB). We welcome and encourage applicants to self-identify in their submitted application. If there are additional access requirements to be accommodated please contact:

Interview information:

Short listed applicants will be contacted within two weeks of the application deadline via phone to arrange for an interview

Interviews will take place either virtually over GoogleMeet or in-person at the center.  Interview questions will generally consist of an in-depth inquiry about qualifications, background information, and knowledge of and/or experience with South House or related organizations or work within an anti-oppressive framework. Interview questions will be sent to participants 24 hours prior to their interview via email. 

Applicants will be contacted via email shortly after the interview period with our decisions.

If there are access requirements to be accommodated or any other concerns or questions, please contact: